THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsThe Third Sunday after the Epiphany21 January 2024 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends,
Our growth in the spiritual life requires three things that we find presented to us in today's Gospel reading (Saint Matthew 8:1-13). Two men received miracles from Jesus, a leper, and the servant of the Centurion. The Leper and the Centurion (on behalf of his servant) show us faith in Jesus. Something more was required of them in addition to this beginning faith. The leper was required to "… go show thyself to the priest and offer the gift which Moses commanded for a testimony unto them." In addition to his faith, he was required to perform a work. The Centurion reveals to us the necessity of humility. "Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof: but only say the word and my servant shall be healed."
Faith is the beginning of our spiritual life, but we cannot progress until we put that faith into action. Often, these actions are goodwill offerings, sacrifices, and penances. Saint James (2:26) says: "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead." Many of the Protestant revolutionaries have tried to deny this. To them, all that is required is "faith." They suggested that it is pride that says men can do anything more than believe to merit God's blessings. In their demonically inspired "zeal," they condemned the Sacrament of Penance as being evil. Likewise, the Sacrifice of the Mass was attacked as useless and even evil, as it demanded men's works (penance, offerings, and sacrifice). As we examine it more closely, we see that all the Sacraments fell under their assault because each is an "outward sign" requiring some "work" to confer grace.
This demonic idea has deeply engrained itself into the world and society, even to our day. We find that many would-be Catholics are infected with this concept and express it in their daily conversations or actions. They often say, "We all believe in the same God." "Visit the church of your choice." "Find a church where you feel comfortable." Etcetera. Implying that it does not matter how or if we worship God. Or even if we keep His Commandments. It is as if they do not believe that Jesus came to this earth and established a specific Church and Sacraments, demanding particular things of us if we are to follow Him into Heaven.
People often think of Jesus more as a literary fiction rather than God incarnate. They seem to think that He is not to be taken literally but that His teachings are only suggestions without real consequences. The Bible is often put on the same level as the pagan literature that speaks of pagan gods. Or with the Talmud or Queran, which are the mere works of men, not of God. (They may be more the work of demons than of men.)
It is the demons that have been suggesting to us that entering Heaven is as simple as eating the forbidden fruit. "If you do this easy or pleasurable forbidden thing, you will be like God." "Just believe, and that is all you need." No further work on your part is necessary. It is like "magic." We must constantly remind ourselves that the "free meal" is very expensive. The illicit pleasures of this life are subsequently paid in eternal fires.
The works of our bodies must correspond to the works of our souls. If there is true faith in our souls, then good work will be in our bodies. When false faith dominates our souls, our bodies will have a corresponding lack of truly good works.
We often sin through our bodies, and it must likewise be through our bodies that we penitentially repair the damage done. Through our bodies, we worship God and make worthy offerings of sacrifice to Him.
The third virtue that we find illustrated today is humility. Faith and good works are worthless unless they are accompanied by true humility. The Scribes and Pharisees abounded in "good works," but they were filled with pride. Pride or vanity destroyed any value that could have been in their "good works."
Faith brings us to Jesus to ask for His grace. This is a good work as we set aside all our worldly activities to obtain blessings for our souls. For this faith to grow, we must perform good works in all charity sacrifice, offerings, repentance for our sins, confession, reparation, and amendment of our ways. In addition to this, we must wholeheartedly practice true humility. We should understand our unworthiness deeply but still strive to give our best as we come to Jesus with True Faith.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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